PYP Virtual Celebration of the Arts 2019/20
Welcome to our Celebration of the Arts. This summer, we share with you our languages and collective cultural experience in and beyond the classroom. We celebrate diversity in school, and through these stories - "A Celebration of Summer" - we hope to give you a glimpse into the children's lives and experiences at ISL.

Early Childhood
Welcome to the Greek islands. The children have made decorations for a picnic and joined in a traditional dance while singing about life on the sea.
Καλά να περάσετε στην καλοκαιρινή γιορτή μας!
We celebrate an Italian summer by coming together to eat, sing songs and dance a traditional tarantella.
Goditi la celebrazione dell’estate!
Grade 1
The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday this time of year. We prepare to race our boat. We also celebrate the Chinese bell - the 'bianzhong' - in a song about the beauty and symbolism of the jasmine flower, arranged by the children.
Grade 2
At midsummer in Poland we celebrate 'Noc Świętojańska' (St. John’s Night). In Polish folk culture few other much older names survived over time, such as the Feast of 'Sobótki' (Bonfires' or 'Wianki' (Wreaths).
Przyjemnego ogladania celebracji lata!

Grade 3
أهلاً بكم
We celebrate through song and drum patterns the contribution made by Arabic scholars to our understanding of mathematics and modern astronomy.
نتمنى لكم عطلة سعيدة
Grade 4S
Through crafting our own Mayan instruments and painting in the style of Frida Kahlo, Grade 4S celebrate the peoples of Mexico.
¡Que disfrutéis la celebración del verano!
Grade 4R
The French language is spoken across the world. We share with you two linked but different cultures - the ancient song of "Vendome" still sung by children today and the rhythms of Haiti as we look at the work of Basquiat and the message he sends to us all today.
Profitez de la célébration de l’été!

Grade 5T
From chants of old to Independence celebrations at this time of year the people of Iceland remind us of their proud island heritage.
Njótið sumarhátíðarinnar

Thank you to...
...the children and home room teachers for all their enthusiasm and energy helping to put together our Celebration of the Arts.
...Miss Rafailia and Miss Iliana for their support and inspiration throughout.
...our Mother Tongue teachers for helping our students share our rich ISL culture in class, rehearsals and performance:
EC Miss Loukidou (Greece)
KG Ms Veuda (Italy)
G1 Ms Fu (China)
G2 Ms Linkiewicz (Poland)
G3 Ms Mona, Ms Lina and Ms Najwa (the Arabic world)
G4S Mr Carlos (Mexico)
G4R Ms Chevreau (France)
G5T Ms Ólafsdóttir (Iceland)
G5S Ms Manami (Japan)
...Miss Anna and Mr Jason for their support in Forest School and Dance, with making props and filming. Thank you also to Mr Emile and Mr Dudley for filming contribution and Miss Naia with the digital platforms.
...and with best wishes for a summer of celebrations,
Mr Christie
Grade 5S
In the summer we celebrate Tanabata in Japan. In 5S we have written messages to hang on a bamboo tree as is tradition and sing a special Tanabata song.